Metal to metal ball and seats KitWe are able to provide Metal-to-Metal coated complete kits (ball and seats lapped together) for ball valves, in Tungsten, Chrome or Stellite
coatings, in any base material, also combined with ENP plating (on the
other areas except the Outside Diameter). HVOF spray coating solution
increases the life and improves performances of ball valves.
These hard and resistant overlays impede erosive and abrasive wear
as well as provide protection from corrosion. Thanks to these solutions
we can assure the "Zero leakage" and/or "Bubble tight seal" solutions,
guaranteed with Alcohol test and kerosene test
Size range: from 1" to 40"
Kits are finished; ball and seats are lapped together.
Tungsten carbide , Chrome carbide or Stellite or Chrome plating
(EffectiveThickness from 120 to 400 μm - Hardness from 1200 to 1400 HV)